Buku gerakan senam skj 2012 beserta gambarnya
Buku gerakan senam skj 2012 beserta gambarnya

It is also revealed that 19.4% or 6 students were not able to perform the gymnastic correctly.

buku gerakan senam skj 2012 beserta gambarnya

This is higher than the expected one on the third cycle. The percentage, therefore, changes into 80%. However, there were 25 of them who could perform correctly. In this cycle it was found improvement of 75%, or 23 out of 30 students. In the final meeting, a test was administered to know whether or not the students improved. This cycle emphasized on the cooling-down movements and repetition on the warming up and core movements. The third cycle was a reflection on the second cycle in addition to another movement introduction. The second cycle witnessed improvement of 60%, 19 out of 30 students.

buku gerakan senam skj 2012 beserta gambarnya

In thi final meeting of this cycle, a test was administered and all students took part. In this cycle the emphasis was on the core movements and repeating the warming up and introducing the cooling-down ones. In the second cycle was reflection on the first cycle and another movement was added. In the first cycle it found improvement of 30% out of the 30 students i.e. In the final meeting of the first cycle, a test was administered. In the first cycle it focused on the warming up, core and cooling-down movements. Alat yang sering digunakan adalah ganda, simpai, tongkat, bola, pita dan topi. Senam ritmik dapat dilakukan dengan alat ataupun tanpa alat. The descriptive qualitative analysis improvements were visible on the cycle I, II and III in which there were three action meetings. Senam irama atau disebut juga senam ritmik adalah gerakan senam yang dilakukan dengan irama music, atau latihanbebas yang dilakukan berirama. Results show that applying the SKJ video improved the movements of the fifth graders of SDN I Panggung Barat Magetan as indicated by the tests on their movements before and after the application of the video.

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They are qualitatively described and the percentage of the distribution is provided. Data were collected through tests and observation. The source of data are the fifth graders of SDN I Panggung Barat Magetan as many as 30. This is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research purposes to improve the movements of the fifth graders of the elementary school SD Negeri 1 Panggung Barat Magetan by applying the Gymnastic Video of “SenamKesegaranJasmani (SKJ)” 2012.

Buku gerakan senam skj 2012 beserta gambarnya